Saturday, November 20, 2010

Staff Interview

The staff interview was conducted by one of the other members in my group. She interviewed a psychology professor at Howard University. We used his expertise to enhance our knowledge of the affects of sleep deprivation. Setting up the interview was a tedious task because we couldn't accommodate a time and place that would permit all group members and the professor to attend. We as a group eventually decided to send only one representative from the group to conduct the interview. The questions that she asked him were very thorough and therefore the professors's answers were concise. His answers confirmed our hypothesis about the dangers of sleep deprivation. We learned that college students on average get about four to five hours of sleep each night; when in actuality they should be getting about eight hours of sleep each night. The lack of sleep will slow down your performance and hurt your academics. The professor also made it very clear that energy drinks and other alternatives often times used to replace sleep are not adequate enough to improve your performance. There is absolutely nothing that can replace a complete eight hours of sleep. However, it easy to see how students can get engulfed in their work and academics and neglect sleep. Just as a student trains themselves to make time for studying, socializing, and class-they should train themselves to make time for them to sleep. This interview was a great tool to get students accustomed to using various sources of information besides the internet. There is a plethora of knowledge all around our campus and it is our responsibility to utilize every resource.
-Kaylynn Webb

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