Saturday, November 20, 2010

Staff Interview

The staff interview was conducted by one of the other members in my group. She interviewed a psychology professor at Howard University. We used his expertise to enhance our knowledge of the affects of sleep deprivation. Setting up the interview was a tedious task because we couldn't accommodate a time and place that would permit all group members and the professor to attend. We as a group eventually decided to send only one representative from the group to conduct the interview. The questions that she asked him were very thorough and therefore the professors's answers were concise. His answers confirmed our hypothesis about the dangers of sleep deprivation. We learned that college students on average get about four to five hours of sleep each night; when in actuality they should be getting about eight hours of sleep each night. The lack of sleep will slow down your performance and hurt your academics. The professor also made it very clear that energy drinks and other alternatives often times used to replace sleep are not adequate enough to improve your performance. There is absolutely nothing that can replace a complete eight hours of sleep. However, it easy to see how students can get engulfed in their work and academics and neglect sleep. Just as a student trains themselves to make time for studying, socializing, and class-they should train themselves to make time for them to sleep. This interview was a great tool to get students accustomed to using various sources of information besides the internet. There is a plethora of knowledge all around our campus and it is our responsibility to utilize every resource.
-Kaylynn Webb

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Personal Reflection

Freshmen Seminar was a challenging course because it required discipline and time management from the students. The class only met once a week therefore it was extremely important that students attended all sessions to receive the information. The lecturers varied week to week which allowed the students to experience a variety of different teaching styles. My favorite lecture was the first lecture by Dr. Carr. His presentation was engaging and the topic was new material that I had not previously learned about. Unfortunately, the class is very short; sometimes I felt as if the information was given in a rushed manner. It takes so long for the class to assemble that we waste valuable instruction time. All in all, I think the direction that the freshmen seminar class is moving is a positive one. I think that the class will continue to develop in years to come.

Working on the group project was not as difficult as I predicted it to be. I was fortunate enough to be put in a group with other students who actively participated in the process of creating the project. Early on, we as a group identified our strengths and divided the project accordingly. I was skilled in powerpoint and creating other multimedia projects. The project was completed after only two group meetings. The most difficult portion of the project was ensuring that we had the proper equipment to display our video and power point. This meant that we had to do extra preparation for our project. I believe that our presentation was interactive and very professional. I am proud of my freshmen seminar group and glad that I had the privilege to work with them.
-Kaylynn Webb

Monday, November 1, 2010

Peer Presentation Review:2

The second group that I reviewed was Stampede. Their discussion question was: Why is the suicide rate increasing amongst African-Americans between the ages of 15-24? A group member came up with this question after a recent incident where a Howard University student committed suicide. I think that it is important for researchers to research relevant topics like the one Stampede reviewed. I was very interested to hear their presentation because it was related to myself as an African-American and person between the ages of fifteen and twenty-four. Some of the causes of suicide in this age bracket are unemployment, alcohol abuse, relationship discord, physical abuse, stress, and death in the family. All of these reasons seem logical based upon personal knowledge of other suicide incidents. Some of the statistics Stampede provided stated that over 30,000 Americans have committed suicide in the past year. This equates to five African-Americans committing suicide a day. In America it is the eighth leading cause of death, which is over homicide/murder. Between 1980-1995 there was a record high suicide rate in the African American community. In order to help prevent the act of suicide the group presented alternative solutions and resources. Some of the resources included help hotlines, peer to peer mediating groups, and just talking with a friend. The most intriguing part of the presentation was the segment about anti-depressant pills. The information they gathered showed that many anti-depressant pills do not work and the chemical imbalance that is suggested by pharmacies is false. The only factor of the presentation that was not included was the citing sources. As a researcher it is extremely important to cite your sources so that the information will be reliable. Other than that factor the presentation was nice.
-Kaylynn Webb

Peer Presentation Review:1

The first group presentation that I reviewed was Group 4.0. Their discussion topic was historically black colleges and universities. From this topic they developed a central question which was "are HBCU's effective in creating higher success rate in African-American students?" Their methodology for acquiring their information was researching second hand resources such as websites like The question that they posed was intriguing because it relates to all the students in Freshmen Seminar; however, their presentation of the information was not engaging. Throughout the majority of the presentation one student read directly from the powerpoint. Also, the information on the slides was in paragraph/long bullet form. To improve their presentation I would suggest that they find the key points of the information and make SHORT bullets to display on the screen. It is hard for students to understand the important parts of the information if everything on the slide is read and is not simplified enough for note taking. The factual information that I gained from the project was that on average fifty percent of freshmen that attend HBCU'S graduate in four to six years. According to the professor they interviewed, HBCU's are commonly weighted heavier than a predominantly white school. This means that the course level of work is graded meticulously. I agree with the group when they concluded that African-American students perform better at HBCU'S because they are more comfortable in their environment. I personally chose to attend an HBCU because I felt that I would relate to my peers more so than I would at a predominantly white college. Overall the presentation was informative but not engaging.
-Kaylynn Webb